What is AI?
While there’s probably no single answer, if you have 10 min the resources below provide an excellent overview.

Google’s AIY Vision Kit
This is a do-it-yourself kit. It’s the easiest way to give AI a spin.

Google’s AIY Intelligent Speaker
This is a do-it-yourself speaker kit.

Microsoft video demonstrating AI
Microsoft Azure shows how easy it is to get started and begin to experiment.

NVIDIA provides scalable, flexible embedded hardware solutions.
This Week in Machine Learning & AI The AI Podcast (by NVIDIA) Concering AI The Talking Machines Learning Machines 101
Artificial Intelligence Micromaster (Columbia University) - edX Machine Learning (Georgia Tech) - Udacity Oxford Deep NLP 2017 (Phil Blunsonm et al.) Machine Learning (mathematicalmunk) - Youtube Machine Learning (Andrew Ng) - Coursera Stanford CS224n - Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning