Distribution Transformers

Challenges in a Changing Landscape

Industry Challenge

Distribution transformers are an essential and, historically, stable component of the electric power grid, providing the final voltage transformation that allows electricity to be used in homes, businesses, and other facilities. Recent transformer shortages combined with proposed increases in efficiency requirements are incentivizing utilities to focus on maintaining their existing fleets, identify new suppliers, and consider deployment of relatively unfamiliar transformer technologies.

EPRI’s Response

Given the need to begin deploying new products and materials to cope with supply chain shortages, EPRI has multiple projects underway to help utilities understand the near and long-term implications of using new transformers. Efforts include evaluation and application of:

  • Solid-dielectric insulated transformer
  • Amorphous metal core transformers
  • Solid-state, power electronics-based transformer technologies
  • Transformer monitoring systems
  • Remaining life algorithms that help assess transformer condition

Progress, Results, & Next Steps

Due to the immediate industry need, EPRI is working on the following research activities:


EPRI has begun performing electrical testing on various transformers and technologies at the EPRI Power Delivery Laboratory in Lenox, ,MA. A new transformer test facility is underway to accelerate efforts.


EPRI has launched an Amorphous Metal Transformer Initiative and is completing an initial sprint to gather information for its members, including international AMT user experiences and results from condition assessments of field-aged units. This effort is also generating a common transformer specification intended to expedite a wide-scale field deployment of AMTs.


Utilities have requested aid to apply a common transformer remaining life algorithm provided in industry standards. EPRI is helping utilities understand the application and limitations of the algorithm.

How to Use the Research

As EPRI completes this research, the information gathered and data generated is going to feed into utility decision making. Utilities can apply knowledge and practices shared by other utilities, use the performance data to improve transformer selection, and better prioritize transformer replacement based on estimated remaining life.

How to Get Involved

Transformer research has been integrated in existing and standalone projects that are ongoing and coming soon. These include:

  • Amorphous Metal Transformer Initiative (underway)
    • Collecting AMT transformer experiences, assessing field aged AMTs, facilitating deployment of new AMTs
  • Project 180.001 – Overhead Assets (underway)
    • Investigating pole-mount solid-dielectric transformer performance
  • Project 180.002 – Underground Assets (2024)
    • Investigating submersible solid-dielectric transformer performance
  • Solid-State Transformer Testing (underway)
    • Project investigating performance of a prototype solid-state transformer
  • Impact of Electrification (2024)
    • Collaborative project investigating how increasing levels of electrification could impact asset performance, including transformers and other assets.
  • Transformer Aging and Failure Analysis
    • On demand projects tailored based on utility requirements

If you’d like to get involved or have any questions, please reach out to Fernando Duarte (fduarte@epri.com) or Joe Potvin (jpotvin@epri.com).