2022 Safety Project Tasks
Planned 2022 Research
Research will be provided in multiple forms, including:
- Results from experimentation and analysis
- Reference guides, practical manuals, and training videos
- Workshops, meetings, and webcasts
This project examines the safety of utility workers and the public while they are on or near utility distribution equipment. Focus areas include work methods, equipment, and technologies to help utilities improve safety. The Safety research project for 2022 consists of the following tasks:
Backfeeds: The EPRI safety task force identified backfeed from distributed energy resources as the highest research need. These backfeeds can increase hazards to workers and can lead to energized downed conductors. To evaluate the risks and identify improvement options, EPRI plans to evaluate distributed energy resources (DER) technologies and aggregate contributions from inverters. In addition, review of lockout-tagout procedures may identify options to reduce risks.
Downed-Conductor Prevention and Detection: Downed conductors remain a challenge for electric utilities. EPRI has investigated and evaluated various approaches to downed conductor detection, including electrical measurement, high-speed signal processing, and methods based on advanced metering infrastructure (AMI). In 2022, plans are to continue to evaluate approaches to detecting downed conductors. This will include use of reclosers and distribution automation along with use of AMI.
Arc Flash: Arc flash is a hazard to workers, and an effective worker-protection program involves many facets that touch on work methods, personal protective equipment, system protection, and analysis. In 2020, EPRI produced an arc-flash guidebook that covers recent changes in the industry. For 2022, EPRI plans to evaluate battery systems to include in this guidebook. EPRI also plans to evaluate arc flash in utility scenarios and how that compares with industry arc-flash calculations and protective approaches. Another planned area of focus is arc-rated fabrics and clothing and evaluation tests.
Protective Equipment: Utility workers rely on many types of protective equipment to enhance their safety, including insulating gloves and sleeves, hotsticks, rope, flame-resistant clothing, insulating boots, and more. In 2021, EPRI produced an online reference on protective equipment. The main plan for 2022 is testing the mechanical integrity of insulating gloves and evaluation of aged samples.
Technology for Workers: EPRI intends to continue to investigate digital systems to improve safety for workers. One approach is to use images to verify good usage of insulating covers and otherwise identify safety issues on structures. This could be based on image processing, artificial intelligence, or other advanced technologies.
Practices: Contact to energized lines remains the number-one threat during live work. To reduce these risks, EPRI intends to focus on practices for insulation and isolation.
For more information on the 2022 plan for safety, contact Tom Short