Deliverables on Safety
Recent deliverables on distribution safety are highlighted below. View historic deliverables here.
For meeting results, utility presentations, and other updates from 2024, see here.

Serious Injuries and Fatalities (SIFs)
SIFs database — The SIFs database was updated in 2024 with nine new cases. This library includes summaries of SIF events or near misses presented by utilities. Documentation also includes a set of review questions and improvement ideas. These events are meant for utilities to be able to review their current practices and equipment for the scenario involved. This compilation is the result of brainstorming sessions held at workshops on SIFs.

Personnel Protection Equipment and Technologies
- Arc flash tests on arc-rated FR clothing (3002030724) — This update includes tests tests of additional products at two labs. The results confirmed surprising results of tests on FR shirts from 2022 and 2023. See this DRC link for results and test reports. Mainstream shirts commonly used in North America and those bought online performed worse than their advertised rating.

Live, Downed Conductors
Approaches to downed-conductor detection (3002030685) — This report covers tests of energized downed conductors and vegetation contacts. The purpose is to develop a library of events that can be used to evaluate commercial and experimental ways to detect high-impedance faults. In addition, a commercial relay and a commercial recloser controller were monitoring during these tests, and results show which events could be detected. Results also include tests of using communications between reclosers to detect and trip falling conductors before they hit the ground.

Practices and Tech Transfer
Hot line tags (3002030783) — This report covers hot line tags in detail and covers several worker and public-safety issues.
Fast hot line tags — Videos demonstrate how a fast trip during a hot line tag can reduce risks to line workers.
Informal safety-incident video (3002030739) — This video provides an example of how miscommunication during control center interactions can lead to operational errors. Based on a real-life utility incident.
Vegetation-caused faults and burndown scenarios — Describes how vegetation causes faults, wildfire ignitions, and burndowns of conductors.
Safety alert on application of compact single-phase reclosers — Utilities should take care when applying compact single-phase reclosers, particularly on small wire. This alert provides some preliminary guidance to help utilities avoid burndowns and energized downed conductors.

New Approaches
- Technologies for utility truck safety (3002030732) — Investigates approaches and technologies to reduce the safety and injury risks associated with electric utility trucks equipped with booms, diggers/derricks, and aerial devices.
- Live-line coverup verification (3002030725) — This tech update looks at using synthetic imagery to better train AI model.
- Conductive clothing to protect distribution workers (3002031106) — This report shows results from tests that suggest that conductive outerwear may offer protection to distribution workers in electrical contact scenarios.
For meeting results, utility presentations, and other updates from 2023, see here.

Serious Injuries and Fatalities (SIFs)
SIFs database — This includes summaries of SIF events or near misses presented by utilities. Documentation also includes a set of review questions and improvement ideas. These events are meant for utilities to be able to review their current practices and equipment for the scenario involved. This compilation is the result of brainstorming sessions held at two workshops on SIFs.

Personnel Protection Equipment and Technologies
- Arc flash tests on arc-rated FR clothing (3002026862) — This update includes surprising results of tests on FR shirts. Mainstream shirts commonly used in North America and those bought online performed worse than their advertised rating. See also this DRC link for results of mainstream shirts and this link for results of internet shirts.
- Rubber glove analysis (3002026863) — This update covers evaluation of used glove samples provided by utilities. Mechanical integrity is a key focus.
- Hard-cover aging tests — This update covers progress on long-term aging of plastic conductor cover samples to assess degradation from UV light.

Live, Downed Conductors
Industry update on detection and mitigation options (3002026860) — This report covers commercially available distributed sensors that can detect some downed-conductor scenarios and technologies to detect falling conductors.

Practices and Tech Transfer
- Proper vs. improper wear of FR shirts (3002026861)—This is a short video aimed at line workers to remind them to button and tuck in shirts. (DRC link)
- Practices for insulation and isolation (3002026864)—This is an initial version of a video meant for line workers. Guidance is given on coverup for overhead line work and use of isolation. Common practices are shown. Overhead rubber-glove work is covered in addition to other scenarios like pole setting.
- Hot line tags and protection speeds (3002028487)—This whitepaper describes several benefits of using a fast trip as part of a hot line tag. Fast tripping can reduce risks to line workers in several scenarios. (DRC link)

New Approaches
- Live-line coverup verification modeling (3002028036)—This tech update looks at AI models to evaluate proper coverup placement.
- Conductive clothing to protect distribution workers (3002028730)—This video describes preliminary tests on an experimental approach for worker protection. Conductive clothing may offer protection to distribution workers in electrical contact scenarios.
For meeting results, utility presentations, and other updates from 2022, see here.

Tech Transfer
Flyers—These are flyers for break rooms that give links to videos aimed at important safety topics for end users. No username/password needed. Please post these and provide feedback! Arc flash, vehicle grounding, burndowns, and patterns of downed wires. 🆕

Personnel Protection Equipment and Technologies
- Arc flash tests on arc-rated FR clothing—This update includes surprising results of tests on FR shirts. A more in-depth review of ASTM tests are given here.
- Hard-cover aging tests—This update covers progress on long-term aging of plastic conductor cover samples to assess degradation from UV light.
- Rubber glove analysis and collection—This update covers evaluation of used glove samples provided by utilities. Mechanical integrity is a key focus. For a summary of a utility information exchange on this topic, see here.

Live, Downed Conductors
- Industry update on detection and mitigation options—This covers the current state of the art for detecting live, downed conductors. Approaches reviewed included SCADA and metering, OMS outage patterns, and different options using AMI. This also includes tests in 2022 of vegetation contacts and detection using relays and recloser controllers.
- Single-phase reclosers and burndowns—After changing to single-phase reclosers, some utilities have reported having more live, downed conductors on such taps. This update covers ways to avoid burndowns. It also includes tests from 2022 on burndowns of small bare conductors. A recording of a discussion on this topic is also published here.

Arc Flash
- Proper vs. improper wear of FR shirts—Includes videos and descriptions of proper vs. improper wear of arc-rated shirts during an arc flash. Tucking your shirt in can make a big difference!
- Utility vs. industry practices—This tech brief compares utility (NESC-style) and industry (NFPA-style) approaches to analysis and protection for arc flash..

- Insulation and isolation practices—This tech brief covers results from a utility information exchange on insulation and isolation practices (DRC link).
- Safety concerns with backfeeds—This tech brief covers results from a utility information exchange on backfeeds, particularly from distributed energy resources (DRC link).
For meeting results, utility presentations, and other updates from 2021, see here.

Arc-Flash Analysis Guide
This deliverable is an online, multimedia reference. Safety personnel, work-methods personnel, and protection engineers can use this information to evaluate and update their arc-flash hazard analyses. Additions and updates in 2021 include:

Grounding and Personnel Protection Practices
This deliverable covers grounding and personnel protection for scenarios involving overhead work, underground work, and work around vehicles. Safety personnel and standards engineers can use this information to design better approaches to grounding and personnel protection. Additions and updates in 2021 include:

Personnel Protection Equipment and Technologies
This deliverable covers evaluations of technologies and equipment for personnel protection. This includes performance of personal protective equipment (PPE). For 2021, the additions includes tests of:

Practices and Technologies
These deliverables cover work on practices and technologies related to safety.
For meeting results, utility presentations, and other updates from 2020, see here.

Arc-Flash Analysis Guide
This deliverable is an online, multimedia reference. Safety personnel, work-methods personnel, and protection engineers can use this information to evaluate and update their arc-flash hazard analyses. Information may also inform practices and help line workers to understand risks. The site includes reference material and videos. An online app and spreadsheets are included to aid in the analysis of hazards.

Grounding and Personnel Protection Practices
This deliverable covers grounding and personnel protection for scenarios involving overhead work, underground work, and work around vehicles. Safety personnel and standards engineers can use this information to design better approaches to grounding and personnel protection. The information can also be shared with line workers to reinforce the hazards and how to avoid them. The site includes reference material, videos, and online apps to calculate hazards.

Detecting and Preventing Live, Downed Conductors
Several resources are provided based on research on detecting and preventing live, downed conductors. The site includes reference material, videos, and online apps. Protection engineers, operations groups, standards engineers, and safety personnel can use this information to implement approaches to detect and prevent downed conductors.

Application to Verify Live-Line Coverup: Feasibility Analysis
This report considers the feasibility of developing an application that could verify and reinforce proper use of coverups. Several approaches to developing this concept into an application are reviewed. Scenarios were staged with good and bad uses of coverups to evaluate ways to create training data for machine-learning models. Utilities can use these results to evaluate their plans for deploying digital-worker technologies.

Personal Voltage Detectors: Tests in Utility Distribution Scenarios
Results from staged tests are used to quantify the performance of voltage detectors. Detectors were tested near energized downed conductors, an energized vehicle, and an overhead line (from the ground and from the air). This report can be used to help utilities select appropriate personal voltage detectors. Results can help identify where these detectors work best, as well as to understand their limitations.

Electrical Performance of Plastic Guards: Distribution Safety
This report documents tests on the electrical performance of used plastic guards. These tests allowed comparison of physical condition to electrical performance. Utilities can use the results to help determine inspection and replacement strategies.

Impacts of 5G Equipment on Distribution Practices
This report documents industry-wide requirements for telecom attachments. These requirements include allowable structures, clearance requirements, and other attachment limits. Issues related to worker safety are covered—including radio frequency exposures. Finally, safety-related industry needs for workers are identified.
Other Resources
For a list of past deliverables by topic, see here.