Deliverables on Automation Assets

Summary of past deliverables related to distribution automation assets

Recent deliverables on distribution automation assets.


The 2023 P180.003 project deliverables are now available to download from Click on Product ID to be taken to page where you can download.

Product ID Deliverable Description


Recloser Failure Analysis Analyzed nine failed reclosers to understand their degradation mechanisms and failure modes.


Control Cables and Connectors Investigated recloser control cable failures and performed testing to help inform specification and selection decisions of control cables and connectors. Developed a long-term test to age new connectors and cables.


Advanced Inspection Technologies and Tools Investigated tools and technologies to assist a utility with DA asset inspections. Approaches evaluated included handheld IR and PD detection tools and the use of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) and 3D data capture and laser scanning techniques.


Grounding and Lightning Protection Developed method to detect a failed arrester and tested in the lab. Also developed a specification for a recloser arrester based on findings from this research.


Siemens 27kV Compact Modular Recloser (CMR) and Remote-Control Unit (RCU) Design Review Performed laboratory testing and evaluation of Siemens CMR recloser to help inform specification and deployment decisions.


Underground Distribution Automation Assets Investigated underground distribution automation devices including analyzing a failed device and developed guidance for Factory Acceptance Tests and Condition Based Maintenance of these devices.


Power Electronic Assets on the Distribution Grid Reviewed potential applications and challenges of using power electronics devices on the distribution grid and determined what is currently available on the market.

Past deliverables: 2022 | 2021 & Historic