
Compilation of underground practices and training

An often-cited challenge for operators of underground systems is the loss of intuitional knowledge due to employee attrition. This challenge is particularly pronounced in urban underground and network systems, where knowledge is often held by relatively few individuals. This area of research seeks to identify, document and share institutional knowledge of underground systems through the development of references, information repositories and training. This research area includes regular updates to the EPRI Underground Distribution Systems Reference Manual (The Bronze Book) and the EPRI Underground Practices repository, a compendium of industry practices for managing underground systems.

Bronze Book

Underground distribution systems reference book

Utility Information Exchange

Notes from forums, which utilities discuss practices and share knowledge.

Network Training

Training on low voltage secondary network systems available through EPRI U

Network Reference

Network reference material

Interest Groups

EPRI hosted distribution underground interest groups

Apps for Low-Voltage Network Scenarios

Several models of network scenarios including backfeeds and phasing issues

Underground Practices Repository

Repository of practices and knowledge from participating utilities