P180.001 Overhead Assets

Conductor Slapping App

Models slapping between two conductors for a line-to-line fault involving these conductors

Lightning Performance of Overhead Lines

Models the performance of overhead lines to direct strikes

Lightning Performance of Overhead Lines

Models the performance of overhead lines to direct strikes

OpenETran for Modeling the Lightning Performance of Overhead Lines

Detailed modeling of the performance of overhead lines to direct strikes

Overhead Line Impedances

Models impedances of overhead designs

P180.002 Underground Assets

Crossed or Rolled Phases on the Primary

Models a spot network where one primary supply has phasing issues

Network Backfeeds for an Open Feeder

Models backfeeds on a network protector with an open primary feeder breaker with or without a fault

Network-Protector Operations with a Primary-Side Blown Fuse

Models a two-bank spot network fed by an overhead system with a fault and fuses blown on one primary supply

P180.004 Safety

Arc Flash in a Padmounted Switch

Models the arc flash incident energy based on tests of PMH padmounted switches

Comparison of TCC Clothing Curves

Compare TCC curves for different scenarios and assumptions

Coordination of Burndowns on Overhead Conductors

Compares burndown curves of various overhead conductors to the clearing times of relayed circuit breakers

Coupling Between Overhead Lines

Models coupling from electric and magnetic fields

Currents and Fields from Two Underground, Coupled Cables

Models coupling from an underground cable to a nearby abandoned cable

Ground-Potential Rise from Line-to-Ground Faults

Models the ground-potential rise from a fault on an overhead line

Ground-Potential Rise from Line-to-Ground Faults (IEC)

Models the ground-potential rise from a fault on an overhead line

Impacts of a DER Grounding Bank on Arc Flash

Models the impact of a DER grounding bank on the clearing time and incident energy

Impacts of a DER Grounding Bank on Arc Flash with Phase and Ground Relays

Models the impact of a DER grounding bank on the clearing time and incident energy for both phase and ground relays

Personnel Protection on Underground Systems: Adjacent Fault

Models touch voltages induced on a cut cable during a fault on a parallel cable

Personnel Protection on Underground Systems: Ground-Potential Rise

Models touch voltages induced on a cut cable during a fault where there is a ground-potential rise at the substation

Sizing Temporary Protective Grounds

Size TPGs based on fault duty

Utility Antenna Attachment Requirements

Requirements from selected utilities, including structure requirements and minimum separations