1 - 2009 Survey Results

1.1 - Summary - Overview

Survey Title : Urban Network Practices Inventory, 2009

Summary Overview         Questions 1.1 - 1.10
General/Physical             Questions 2.1 - 2.6
Planning                            Questions 3.1 - 3.14
Design                               Questions 4.1 - 4.14
Construction                    Questions 5.1 - 5.14
Maintenance                    Questions 6.1 - 6.39
Operations                        Questions 7.1 - 7.19
Safety                                Questions 8.1 - 8.11
Distributed Generation   Questions 9.1 - 9.6
Practices of Note            Questions 10.1

Question 1.2: Utility Type?

Question: 1.7: Total number of electrical customers served (Total Company)?

Question 1.8: Total number of customers served by Urban Networks Systems?

Question 1.9: Annual network load growth (%)?

Question 1.10: Total Approximate Peak Network load (MW)?

1.2 - Summary - Physical/General

Survey Title : Urban Network Practices Inventory, 2009

Summary Overview         Questions 1.1 - 1.10
General/Physical             Questions 2.1 - 2.6
Planning                            Questions 3.1 - 3.14
Design                               Questions 4.1 - 4.14
Construction                    Questions 5.1 - 5.14
Maintenance                    Questions 6.1 - 6.39
Operations                        Questions 7.1 - 7.19
Safety                                Questions 8.1 - 8.11
Distributed Generation   Questions 9.1 - 9.6
Practices of Note            Questions 10.1

Question 2.1: What is the number of distinct conventional secondary networks (segregated street grids) served at your company?

Question 2.2: How many feeders make up the preferred network feeder group?

Question 2.3: What is the number of spot networks served at your company? (“Spot network” in this question defined as a service to a facility from a single vault and a common secondary bus without connection to the street grid)

Question 2.4: Network primary operating voltage(s)?

Question 2.5: Primary cable types? (Check all that apply)

Question 2.6: Number of network distribution transformers?

1.3 - Planning

Survey Title : Urban Network Practices Inventory, 2009

Summary Overview         Questions 1.1 - 1.10
General/Physical             Questions 2.1 - 2.6
Planning                            Questions 3.1 - 3.14
Design                               Questions 4.1 - 4.14
Construction                    Questions 5.1 - 5.14
Maintenance                    Questions 6.1 - 6.39
Operations                        Questions 7.1 - 7.19
Safety                                Questions 8.1 - 8.11
Distributed Generation   Questions 9.1 - 9.6
Practices of Note            Questions 10.1

Question 3.1: Do you have a distinct Network Planning group, or is network planning performed by a general planning organization?

Question 3.2: How many people perform network planning at your company?

Question 3.3: To what level of contingency do you plan your network?

Question 3.4: In your typical network design, do all primary feeders sourcing a given network originate from the same substation, or do you source networks from multiple stations?

Question 3.5: Are network primary feeders planned and designed as dedicated feeders?

Question 3.6: Does your design limit the number of primary feeders entering a vault through a given single duct bank?

Question 3.7: Do you have any current plans to expand the size of your network? (Increase the footprint of the territory served by the network)

Question 3.8: Which of the following best describes your approach to loading your network? (Please check one box only)

Question 3.9: Do you have any network “system hardening” initiatives underway?

Question 3.10: Do you use software to perform network circuit analysis? (Load flow studies, voltage drop analysis, etc)

Question 3.11: If Yes, are you using the software for..?

Question 3.12: Does the same engineer(s) who analyzes the primary system also analyze the secondary system?

Question 3.13: Do you calculate minimum available fault current at the fringes of the street secondary network cables (208Y/120 V) to assure self-clearing of street network cable failures?

Question 3.14: If you are using load flow software, please indicate which software product(s) you are using.

1.4 - Design

Survey Title : Urban Network Practices Inventory, 2009

Summary Overview         Questions 1.1 - 1.10
General/Physical             Questions 2.1 - 2.6
Planning                            Questions 3.1 - 3.14
Design                               Questions 4.1 - 4.14
Construction                    Questions 5.1 - 5.14
Maintenance                    Questions 6.1 - 6.39
Operations                        Questions 7.1 - 7.19
Safety                                Questions 8.1 - 8.11
Distributed Generation   Questions 9.1 - 9.6
Practices of Note            Questions 10.1

Question 4.1: Do you have a dedicated / distinct network design group? Or are your network designers part of a design group that also performs non network design?

Question 4.2: If yes, does your network design group do both electrical and civil designs?

Question 4.3: How many people perform Network Design at your company?

Question 4.4: Does your network utilize vaults located:

Question 4.5: What type of design are you using for new civil structures such as manholes and vaults?

Question 4.6: If your network utilizes subsurface vaults, do you use automatic sump pumps to clear water accumulation?

Question 4.7: If Yes, does your standard design call for oil sensors on sump pumps in vaults that house oil containing equipment?

Question 4.8: If yes, do these sensors function to prevent the pumping of oil into the street?

Question 4.9: Do you require a firewall between two pieces of equipment in one vault? (example, between two network transformers)

Question 4.10: In a building vault, do you tie your neutral in with the building steel / ground system?

Question 4.11: Does your typical network design utilize: (see Graph below)

Question 4.12: Does your network transformer specification call for a one or two chamber design for the primary termination and switch?

Question 4.13: Have you incorporated skid free vault and manhole covers into your civil designs?

Question 4.14: If so, are you retrofitting older existing covers?

1.5 - Construction

Survey Title : Urban Network Practices Inventory, 2009

Summary Overview         Questions 1.1 - 1.10
General/Physical             Questions 2.1 - 2.6
Planning                            Questions 3.1 - 3.14
Design                               Questions 4.1 - 4.14
Construction                    Questions 5.1 - 5.14
Maintenance                    Questions 6.1 - 6.39
Operations                        Questions 7.1 - 7.19
Safety                                Questions 8.1 - 8.11
Distributed Generation   Questions 9.1 - 9.6
Practices of Note            Questions 10.1

Question 5.1: Do you have a distinct field group focused on the construction, maintenance and operation of the network? Or are your field workers part of a group that also works with non network systems?

Question 5.2: Total number of Network field electrical workers (do not count “civil” workers)

Question 5.3: Do you contract any network electrical (not civil) construction work?

Question 5.4: If using contractors, what % of your total network electrical work is contracted?

Question 5.5: Total number of Network civil construction workers

Question 5.6: Do you contract any network civil construction work?

Question 5.7: How many hours of training (on average, per person) does your field force receive in a year?

Question 5.8: Do you routinely conduct post construction audits to ascertain / assure the quality of the construction?

Question 5.9: Do you have a formal process for reporting construction standards or material specifications deficiencies?

Question 5.10: Do you have a process for inspecting or testing incoming network materials?

Question 5.11: Do you utilize Mobile Data Units in your network fleet?

Question 5.12: If so, what system are you using?

Question 5.13: Do you utilize work management software to assist in assigning resources, scheduling, and managing the execution of network projects?

Question 5.14: What work management system are you using?

1.6 - Maintenance

Survey Title : Urban Network Practices Inventory, 2009

Summary Overview         Questions 1.1 - 1.10
General/Physical             Questions 2.1 - 2.6
Planning                            Questions 3.1 - 3.14
Design                               Questions 4.1 - 4.14
Construction                    Questions 5.1 - 5.14
Maintenance                    Questions 6.1 - 6.39
Operations                        Questions 7.1 - 7.19
Safety                                Questions 8.1 - 8.11
Distributed Generation   Questions 9.1 - 9.6
Practices of Note            Questions 10.1

Question 6.1: Do you have regularly scheduled maintenance and inspection program(s) for your network system?

Question 6.2: In determining your maintenance frequency, do you perform a risk assessment of your individual equipment, manholes, vaults, etc and vary your maintenance approach based on that risk?

Question 6.3: Do you have a documented, up to date maintenance guidelines for performing maintenance on network equipment? (Example: network transformer maintenance guideline)

Question 6.4: Do you have metrics in place to assess the performance of the network system?

Question 6.5: Is network maintenance, inspection and testing performed by (Check One)?

Question 6.6: If using contractors, what % of your total network maintenance work is contracted?

Question 6.7: Do you regularly perform primary cable diagnostic testing?

Question 6.8: If yes, what is the frequency of cable diagnostic testing?

Question 6.9: In what applications will you perform cable diagnostic testing?

Question 6.10: If yes, please indicate / describe what testing techniques you use.

Question 6.11: If you perform withstand testing, describe how you determine which cables to test.

Question 6.12: When testing cable, what are the expected leakage currents that you would expect to see for healthy cables?

Question 6.13: Do you regularly perform Vault inspections?

Question 6.14: If yes, what is the frequency of the Vault inspections?

Question 6.15: Do you regularly perform Manhole inspections?

Question 6.16: If yes, what is the frequency of the Manhole inspections?

Question 6.17: Do you regularly perform Primary cable and splice / connection infrared inspections?

Question 6.18: If yes, what is the frequency of Infrared testing?

Question 6.19: Do you regularly perform secondary cable and splice / connection infrared inspections?

Question 6.20: If yes, what is the frequency of secondary infrared testing?

Question 6.21: Do you regularly perform Secondary / Grid cable testing?

Question 6.22: If yes, what is the frequency of secondary cable / grid testing?

Question 6.23: If yes, please indicate / describe what testing techniques you use.

Question 6.24: Do you perform heat gun checks as part of your preventive maintenance programs?

Question 6.25: Do you perform cable limiter continuity checks as part of your preventive maintenance program?

Question 6.26: Do you perform Equipment Fluid sampling and testing (such as transformer oil) as part of your maintenance?

Question 6.27: If yes, what is the frequency of sampling?

Question 6.28: If yes, please indicate which tests you perform

Question 6.29: If you perform analysis of fluid samples, what trigger level or criteria are used to determine when:

Question 6.30: Do you regularly perform pressure testing to identify leaks in the primary termination chamber, ground switch chamber, and/or transformer tank?

Question 6.31: If yes, what is the frequency of testing?

Question 6.32: Do you regularly perform Network protector maintenance and testing?

Question 6.33:If yes, what is the frequency of testing?

Question 6.34: When you perform Network Protector maintenance, please indicate which of the following you do. (See graph below)

Question 6.35: Does your NP maintenance include conducting periodic “drop tests”, whereby a primary feeder is opened, and measurements are taken for back feed voltage to assure that the network protectors function correctly (automatically open)?

Question 6.36: Do you use a diagnostic camera to ascertain the condition of ducts and conduits?

Question 6.37: Please list any other routine network maintenance or inspections you are performing, and provide the frequency.

Question 6.38: Are you currently implementing replacement programs for any of your network equipment?

Question 6.39: If Yes, Please indicate which equipment is being replaced.

1.7 - Operations

Survey Title : Urban Network Practices Inventory, 2009

Summary Overview         Questions 1.1 - 1.10
General/Physical             Questions 2.1 - 2.6
Planning                            Questions 3.1 - 3.14
Design                               Questions 4.1 - 4.14
Construction                    Questions 5.1 - 5.14
Maintenance                    Questions 6.1 - 6.39
Operations                        Questions 7.1 - 7.19
Safety                                Questions 8.1 - 8.11
Distributed Generation   Questions 9.1 - 9.6
Practices of Note            Questions 10.1

Question 7.1: Do you have a dedicated operator within your control room for operating the network?

Question 7.2: Do you remotely sense / monitor information about network devices beyond the primary feeder substation breaker?

Question 7.3: If you remotely monitor information about network devices, please indicate what information you are monitoring. (Check all that apply)

Question 7.4: If you are using remote sensors, briefly describe what type of sensing device(s) you are using.

Question 7.5: If you are using remote sensing, how is the information communicated? (check all that apply)

Question 7.6: If you are remotely monitoring information about network equipment beyond the primary feeder breaker, is this information tied in with your SCADA System?

Question 7.7: Do you have the ability to remotely control switches, network protectors or other devices on your network system primary beyond the substation breaker?

Question 7.8: If so, what devices are remotely controlled?

Question 7.9: If you do remotely control devices, indicate from which location(s)you have the ability to do so.

Question 7.10: If you are remotely monitoring and/or controlling network equipment, what vendor/system are you using?

Question 7.11: Do your company’s periodic outages drills normally include network situations?

Question 7.12: If not, do you routinely conduct drills for key network processes such as emergency response?

Question 7.13: Do you have documented, up to date procedures for responding to network emergencies?

Question 7.14: Do you have a procedure that provides guidance in responding to vault fires?

Question 7.15: If so, does it provide guidance to an Operator indicating when it is necessary to de-energize a network due to the emergency?

Question 7.16: Do you have a means to do a group feeder pickup in the event of a network outage? (Multiple feeders)

Question 7.17: Do you use separable connectors (such as “T” Bodies and elbows) in your network system?

Question 7.18: Have you experienced failures with these connectors / connector systems (such as 600A T - bodies)?

Question 7.19: If Yes, please rank the primary causes of the failures you’ve experienced.

1.8 - Safety

Survey Title : Urban Network Practices Inventory, 2009

Summary Overview         Questions 1.1 - 1.10
General/Physical             Questions 2.1 - 2.6
Planning                            Questions 3.1 - 3.14
Design                               Questions 4.1 - 4.14
Construction                    Questions 5.1 - 5.14
Maintenance                    Questions 6.1 - 6.39
Operations                        Questions 7.1 - 7.19
Safety                                Questions 8.1 - 8.11
Distributed Generation   Questions 9.1 - 9.6
Practices of Note            Questions 10.1

Question 8.1: How many days per year of safety training do your network field personnel receive per person?

Question 8.2: Please indicate the type(s) of safety meetings you conduct. Check all that apply.

Question 8.3: Do you have a “safety person”, (either a fulltime safety professional, or other employee assigned to a safety role) focused on the network?

Question 8.4: If you have a safety person focusing on the network, is this person a full time safety professional, or another employee assigned to a safety role?

Question 8.5: Do you require your network crews to wear flame retardant (FR rated) clothing?

Question 8.6: If so, what clothing system level is required to work in the network (routine work)?

Question 8.7: Do you require incremental face protection, such as a face shield, or goggles and balaclava when working in the network?

Question 8.8: Is a first aid kit on hand when a crew is working in a vault?

Question 8.9: What procedures / tools do you use to determine that a cable is de energized?

Question 8.10: Do you use continuous air quality monitoring when working in a Manhole? Vault?

Question 8.11: Do you require the use of a lifting crane and worker harnesses when working in an Underground Manhole? Underground Vault?

1.9 - Distributed Generation

Survey Title : Urban Network Practices Inventory, 2009

Summary Overview         Questions 1.1 - 1.10
General/Physical             Questions 2.1 - 2.6
Planning                            Questions 3.1 - 3.14
Design                               Questions 4.1 - 4.14
Construction                    Questions 5.1 - 5.14
Maintenance                    Questions 6.1 - 6.39
Operations                        Questions 7.1 - 7.19
Safety                                Questions 8.1 - 8.11
Distributed Generation   Questions 9.1 - 9.6
Practices of Note            Questions 10.1

Question 9.1: Do you allow inverter based generation to connect to the 208Y/120-volt area network?

Question 9.2: Do you allow induction generators to connect to the 208Y/120-volt area network?

Question 9.3: Do you allow synchronous generators to connect to the 208Y/120-volt area network?

Question 9.4: If you do allow distributed generators to connect to your network, do you have a written guideline that defines the interconnection requirements?

Question 9.5: Do you allow time delay tripping of network protectors that are supplying 208Y/120-volt area networks?

Question 9.6: Are there any administrative codes, rules, regulations, etc established by Public Utility Commissions, Boards of Public Utilities, etc. that cover the connection of co generation to area networks in your service territory?

1.10 - Practices of Note

Survey Title : Urban Network Practices Inventory, 2009

Summary Overview         Questions 1.1 - 1.10
General/Physical             Questions 2.1 - 2.6
Planning                            Questions 3.1 - 3.14
Design                               Questions 4.1 - 4.14
Construction                    Questions 5.1 - 5.14
Maintenance                    Questions 6.1 - 6.39
Operations                        Questions 7.1 - 7.19
Safety                                Questions 8.1 - 8.11
Distributed Generation   Questions 9.1 - 9.6
Practices of Note            Questions 10.1

Question 10.1: How many days per year of safety training do your network field personnel receive per person?

2 - 2012 Survey Results

2.1 - Summary - Overview

Survey Title: Urban Network Practices Inventory, 2012

Summary Overview         Questions 1.2 & 1.7-1.13
General/Physical             Questions 2.1 - 2.11
Planning                            Questions 3.1 - 3.21
Design                               Questions 4.1 - 4.21
Construction                    Questions 5.1 - 5.13
Maintenance                    Questions 6.1 - 6.35
Operations                        Questions 7.1 - 7.14
Safety                                Questions 8.1 - 8.11
Distributed Generation   Questions 9.1 - 9.12
Practices of Note            Questions 10.1

Question 1.2: Utility Type?

Question 1.7: Total number of electrical meters served (Total Company)?

Question 1.8: Total number of customers served by Urban Networks Systems?

Question 1.9: Annual network load growth (%)?

Question 1.10: Total approximate Peak network load (MW)?

Question 1.11: Total installed capacity of your network (MVA)?

Question 1.12: Average primary circuit loading under no contingencies? (In percent of circuit rating)

Question 1.14: Average primary circuit loading under the worst contingency that is planned for? (Percent of circuit rating)

2.2 - Summary - Physical/General

Survey Title: Urban Network Practices Inventory, 2012

Summary Overview         Questions 1.2 & 1.7-1.13
General/Physical             Questions 2.1 - 2.11
Planning                            Questions 3.1 - 3.21
Design                               Questions 4.1 - 4.21
Construction                    Questions 5.1 - 5.13
Maintenance                    Questions 6.1 - 6.35
Operations                        Questions 7.1 - 7.14
Safety                                Questions 8.1 - 8.11
Distributed Generation   Questions 9.1 - 9.12
Practices of Note            Questions 10.1

Question 2.1: Total number of network feeders?

Question 2.2: What is the number of distinct conventional secondary networks (segregated street grids) served at your company?

Question 2.3: Total Number of Network groups?

Question 2.4: How many feeders make up the network feeder group?

Question 2.5: Total number of network distribution transformers?

Question 2.6: What is the number of spot networks served at your company? (“Spot network” in this question defined as a service to a facility from a single vault and a common secondary bus without connection to the street grid)

Question 2.7: How many feeders (minimum) supply your spot networks?

Question 2.8: Network primary operating voltages(s)? (Check all that apply)

Question 2.9: Please indicate the percentage of each cable type that comprise your network primary cable system (Total should equal 100%)

Question 2.10: For primary cable, which of the following do you utilize (current standards)? check all that apply

Question 2.11: Do you use low smoke zero halogen cable in your secondary?

2.3 - Planning

Survey Title: Urban Network Practices Inventory, 2012

Summary Overview         Questions 1.2 & 1.7-1.13
General/Physical             Questions 2.1 - 2.11
Planning                            Questions 3.1 - 3.21
Design                               Questions 4.1 - 4.21
Construction                    Questions 5.1 - 5.13
Maintenance                    Questions 6.1 - 6.35
Operations                        Questions 7.1 - 7.14
Safety                                Questions 8.1 - 8.11
Distributed Generation   Questions 9.1 - 9.12
Practices of Note            Questions 10.1

Question 3.1: Do you have a distinct Network Planning group, or is network planning performed by a general planning organization?

Question 3.2: To what level of contingency do you plan your network?

Question 3.3: In your typical network design, do all primary feeders sourcing a given network originate from the same substation, or do you source networks from multiple stations?

Question 3.4: Are network primary feeders planned and designed as dedicated feeders?

Question 3.5: Do switch points exist on your network primary feeders for the purpose of sectionalizing a network feeder?

Question 3.6: Do your network primary feeders have tie points with other network feeders?

Question 3.7: If sectionalizing or tie points are installed on your network system, what kind of switches are you using?

Question 3.8: If sectionalizing or tie points are installed on your network system, are the switches manually or automatically controlled?

Question 3.9: Does your design limit the number of primary feeders entering a vault through a given single duct bank?

Question 3.10: In your design, do you allow primary and secondary routed through the same duct bank?

Question 3.11: Are you currently actively planning to increase, decrease, or maintain the geographical size of your network?

Question 3.12: Which of the following best describes your approach to loading your network? (Please check one box only)

Question 3.13: Do you have any network “system hardening” initiatives underway? (for example, rebuilding manholes in flood prone areas, rehabbing deteriorated ceilings, etc.)

Question 3.14: Have you developed any reliability metrics for assessing the performance of the network system?

Question 3.15: Do you use software to perform network circuit analysis? (Load flow studies, voltage drop analysis, etc.)

Question 3.16: If Yes, are you using the software for; • Primary Analysis Only • Secondary Analysis Only • Both Primary and Secondary Analysis

Question 3.17: If you are using load flow software, please indicate which software product(s) you are using.

Question 3.18: How do you collect network load data for modeling purposes?

Question 3.19: Do you perform contingency analysis; that is, review loading and voltage with each feeder out of service?

Question 3.20: In your network system analysis, do you model operation of NP’s due to reverse flows in your system?

Question 3.21: Do you calculate minimum available fault current at the fringes of the street secondary network cables (208Y/120 V) to assure self-clearing of street network cable failures?

2.4 - Design

Survey Title: Urban Network Practices Inventory, 2012

Summary Overview         Questions 1.2 & 1.7-1.13
General/Physical             Questions 2.1 - 2.11
Planning                            Questions 3.1 - 3.21
Design                               Questions 4.1 - 4.21
Construction                    Questions 5.1 - 5.13
Maintenance                    Questions 6.1 - 6.35
Operations                        Questions 7.1 - 7.14
Safety                                Questions 8.1 - 8.11
Distributed Generation   Questions 9.1 - 9.12
Practices of Note            Questions 10.1

Question 4.1: Do you have a dedicated / distinct network design group? Or are your network designers part of a design group that also performs non network design?

Question 4.2: If yes, does your network design group do both electrical and civil designs?

Question 4.3: Does your network utilize vaults located:

Question 4.4: What type of design are you using for new civil structures such as manholes and vaults? Check all that apply.

Question 4.5: What is the size of a typical network vault (new design?)

Question 4.6: If your network utilizes subsurface vaults, do you use automatic sump pumps to clear water accumulation?

Question 4.7: If Yes, does your standard design call for oil sensors on sump pumps in vaults that house oil containing equipment?

Question 4.8: If yes, do these sensors function to prevent the pumping of oil into the street?

Question 4.9: Do you require a firewall between two pieces of equipment in one vault? (example, between two network transformers)

Question 4.10: In designing your network vault, what ground resistance do you require from the ground system inside the vault?

Question 4.11: In a building vault, do you tie your neutral in with the building steel / ground system?

Question 4.12: For the primary termination and switch, does your network transformer specification call for a

Question 4.13: Are you using a separately mounted primary switch (not part of the transformer unit)?

Question 4.14: Does your network transformer specification call for units with taps?

Question 4.15: Have you incorporated skid free vault and manhole covers into your civil designs?

Question 4.16: If so, are you retrofitting older existing covers?

Question 4.17: Are you using manhole cover restraints in parts of your system?

Question 4.18: Do you use cable limiters in your network secondary system(s)?

Question 4.19: If you use cable limiters, do you perform a protection coordination study between the NP fuse, cable limiters and the station’s feeder relay?

Question 4.20: If you use cable limiters please indicate where you install them (check all that apply)

Question 4.21: What type of secondary connection technology is used on your networks?

2.5 - Construction

Survey Title: Urban Network Practices Inventory, 2012

Summary Overview         Questions 1.2 & 1.7-1.13
General/Physical             Questions 2.1 - 2.11
Planning                            Questions 3.1 - 3.21
Design                               Questions 4.1 - 4.21
Construction                    Questions 5.1 - 5.13
Maintenance                    Questions 6.1 - 6.35
Operations                        Questions 7.1 - 7.14
Safety                                Questions 8.1 - 8.11
Distributed Generation   Questions 9.1 - 9.12
Practices of Note            Questions 10.1

Question 5.1: Total number of Network field electrical workers (do not count “civil” workers)

Question 5.2: Do you contract any network electrical (not civil) construction work?

Question 5.3: If using contractors, what % of your total network electrical work is contracted?

Question 5.4: Do you contract any network civil construction work?

Question 5.5: If using contractors, what % of your total network civil construction work is contracted?

Question 5.6: Not counting training that is part of your apprentice programs, how many hours of training (on average, per person) does your network field force receive in a year?

Question 5.7: Do you routinely conduct post construction audits to ascertain / assure the quality of the construction?

Question 5.8: If Yes, what are the major items that are assessed during a post construction audit?

Question 5.9: Do you have a process for inspecting or testing incoming network materials?

Question 5.10: If yes, what material is inspected or tested?

Question 5.11: Do you utilize Mobile Data Units in your network fleet?

Question 5.12: Do you use heat resistant / fire proof tape in your network cable systems?

Question 5.13: When you prepare a splice, do you track and record who prepared the splice?

2.6 - Maintenance

Survey Title: Urban Network Practices Inventory, 2012

Summary Overview         Questions 1.2 & 1.7-1.13
General/Physical             Questions 2.1 - 2.11
Planning                            Questions 3.1 - 3.21
Design                               Questions 4.1 - 4.21
Construction                    Questions 5.1 - 5.13
Maintenance                    Questions 6.1 - 6.35
Operations                        Questions 7.1 - 7.14
Safety                                Questions 8.1 - 8.11
Distributed Generation   Questions 9.1 - 9.12
Practices of Note            Questions 10.1

Question 6.1: Do you have a documented, up to date maintenance guidelines for performing maintenance on network equipment? (Example: network transformer maintenance guideline)

Question 6.2: In determining your maintenance frequency, do you perform a risk or condition assessment of your individual equipment, (manholes, vaults, etc), and vary your maintenance approach based on that assessment?

Question 6.3: Is network maintenance, inspection and testing performed by (Check One)?

Question 6.4: If using contractors, what % of your total network maintenance work is contracted?

Question 6.5: In what applications will you perform network primary cable diagnostic testing? (Check all that apply)

Question 6.6: If you are performing periodic primary network cable withstand testing, what is the frequency of the testing?

Question 6.7: Please indicate / describe what testing techniques you use.

Question 6.8: Do you regularly perform Vault inspections?

Question 6.9: If yes, what is the frequency of the Vault inspections?

Question 6.10: Do you regularly perform Manhole inspections?

Question 6.11: If yes, what is the frequency of the Manhole inspections?

Question 6.12: Do you perform Infrared / heat gun checks as part of your preventive maintenance programs?

Question 6.13: Do you regularly perform Primary cable and splice / connection infrared inspections?

Question 6.14: If yes, what is the frequency of Infrared testing?

Question 6.15: Do you regularly perform secondary cable and splice / connection infrared inspections?

Question 6.16: If yes, what is the frequency of secondary infrared testing?

Question 6.17: Do you regularly perform Secondary / Grid cable testing?

Question 6.18: If yes, what is the frequency of secondary cable / grid testing?

Question 6.19: Do you perform cable limiter continuity checks as part of your preventive maintenance program?

Question 6.20: Do you perform Equipment Fluid sampling and testing (such as transformer oil) as part of your maintenance?

Question 6.21: If yes, what is the frequency of sampling?

Question 6.22: If yes, please indicate which of these tests you perform

Question 6.23: Do you regularly perform pressure testing to identify leaks in the primary termination chamber, ground switch chamber, and/or transformer tank?

Question 6.24: If yes, what is the frequency of testing?

Question 6.25: Do you regularly perform Network protector maintenance and testing?

Question 6.26: If yes, what is the frequency of testing?

Question 6.27: When you perform Network Protector maintenance, please indicate which of the following you do.

Question 6.28: During your network Protector testing, do you know/record how fast the NP opens (in terms of cycles usually) when it sees a reverse power flow?

Question 6.29: Does your NP maintenance include conducting periodic “drop tests”, whereby a primary feeder is opened, and measurements are taken for backfeed voltage to assure that the network protectors function correctly (automatically open)?

Question 6.30: Are you using cameras as part of your manhole inspections?

Question 6.31: Do you use a diagnostic camera to ascertain the condition of ducts and conduits?

Question 6.32: Are you currently implementing replacement programs for any of your network equipment?

Question 6.33: If Yes, Please indicate which equipment is being replaced. (Check all that apply)

Question 6.34: Do your crews utilize tablets or laptop computers for maintenance?

Question 6.35: Is your record keeping done electronically or manually?

2.7 - Operations

Survey Title: Urban Network Practices Inventory, 2012

Summary Overview         Questions 1.2 & 1.7-1.13
General/Physical             Questions 2.1 - 2.11
Planning                            Questions 3.1 - 3.21
Design                               Questions 4.1 - 4.21
Construction                    Questions 5.1 - 5.13
Maintenance                    Questions 6.1 - 6.35
Operations                        Questions 7.1 - 7.14
Safety                                Questions 8.1 - 8.11
Distributed Generation   Questions 9.1 - 9.12
Practices of Note            Questions 10.1

Question 7.1: Do you have a dedicated operator within your control room for operating the network?

Question 7.2: Do you remotely sense / monitor information about network devices beyond the primary feeder substation breaker?

Question 7.3: If you remotely monitor information about network devices, please indicate what information you are monitoring. (Check all that apply)

Question 7.4: If you are using remote sensing, how is the information communicated? (check all that apply)

Question 7.5: If you are remotely monitoring information about network equipment beyond the primary feeder breaker, is this information tied in with your SCADA System?

Question 7.6: Do you have the ability to remotely control switches, network protectors or other devices on your network system primary beyond the substation breaker?

Question 7.7: If so, what devices are remotely controlled?

Question 7.8: If you do remotely control devices, indicate from which location(s) you have the ability to do so:

Question 7.9: If you are remotely monitoring and/or controlling network equipment, what vendor/system are you using?

Question 7.10: Do you have documented, up to date procedures for responding to network emergencies?

Question 7.11: Do you perform periodic drills that include network situations, such as a network outage or network manhole fire?

Question 7.12: Do you have a means to do a group feeder pickup in the event of a network outage? (Multiple feeders)

Question 7.13: For 480 V network protectors, do you de-energize the primary before removing the network protector fuses?

Question 7.14: For 208 V network protectors, do you de-energize the primary before removing the network protector fuses.

2.8 - Safety

Survey Title: Urban Network Practices Inventory, 2012

Summary Overview         Questions 1.2 & 1.7-1.13
General/Physical             Questions 2.1 - 2.11
Planning                            Questions 3.1 - 3.21
Design                               Questions 4.1 - 4.21
Construction                    Questions 5.1 - 5.13
Maintenance                    Questions 6.1 - 6.35
Operations                        Questions 7.1 - 7.14
Safety                                Questions 8.1 - 8.11
Distributed Generation   Questions 9.1 - 9.12
Practices of Note            Questions 10.1

Question 8.1: Do you have a “safety person”, (either a fulltime safety professional, or other employee assigned to a safety role) focused on the network?

Question 8.2: If you have a safety person focusing on the network, is this person a full time safety professional, or another employee assigned to a safety role?

Question 8.3: Do you require your network crews to wear flame retardant (FR rated) clothing?

Question 8.4: If so, what clothing system level is required to work in the network (routine work)?

Question 8.5: Do you require a incremental face protection, such as a face shield, or goggles and balaclava when working in the network?

Question 8.6: For 480 V NP’s, does your company require NP crews to wear Flash Suits when they open an energized NP?

Question 8.7: Is a first aid kit on hand when a crew is working in a vault?

Question 8.8: Do your crews have an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) on their vehicles?

Question 8.9: What procedures / tools do you use to determine that a cable is de-energized?

Question 8.10: Please indicate which of these manhole / vault entry procedures you utilize:

Question 8.11: Please indicate which of the following design, operational or work procedure changes you have implemented to address network arc flash issues

2.9 - Distributed Generation

Survey Title: Urban Network Practices Inventory, 2012

Summary Overview         Questions 1.2 & 1.7-1.13
General/Physical             Questions 2.1 - 2.11
Planning                            Questions 3.1 - 3.21
Design                               Questions 4.1 - 4.21
Construction                    Questions 5.1 - 5.13
Maintenance                    Questions 6.1 - 6.35
Operations                        Questions 7.1 - 7.14
Safety                                Questions 8.1 - 8.11
Distributed Generation   Questions 9.1 - 9.12
Practices of Note            Questions 10.1

Question 9.1: Do you allow inverter based generation to connect to the 208Y/120-volt area network?

Question 9.2: If yes, What is the maximum allowed size for the inverter based generation at any given service?

Question 9.3: Do you allow the inverter based generation to feed real power back into the secondary of the area network under unfaulted conditions?

Question 9.4: Do you place any limits on the total amount of inverter based generation that can be connected to any given area network? If so, how is that defined?

Question 9.5: Do you allow induction generators to connect to the 208Y/120-volt area network?

Question 9.6: If yes, What is the maximum allowed size for the induction generation at any given service?

Question 9.7: Do you allow the induction generator to feed real power back into the secondary of the area network under unfaulted conditions?

Question 9.8: Do you place any limits on the total amount of induction generation that can be connected to any given area network? If so, how is that defined?

Question 9.9: Do you allow synchronous generators to connect to the 208Y/120-volt area network?

Question 9.10: If you do allow distributed generators to connect to your network, do you have a written guideline that defines the interconnection requirements?

Question 9.11: Do you allow time delay tripping of network protectors that are supplying 208Y/120-volt area networks?

Question 9.12: Are there any administrative codes, rules, regulations, etc established by Public Utility Commissions, Boards of Public Utilities, etc. that cover the connection of co generation to area networks in your service territory?

2.10 - Practices of Note

Survey Title: Urban Network Practices Inventory, 2012

Summary Overview         Questions 1.2 & 1.7-1.13
General/Physical             Questions 2.1 - 2.11
Planning                            Questions 3.1 - 3.21
Design                               Questions 4.1 - 4.21
Construction                    Questions 5.1 - 5.13
Maintenance                    Questions 6.1 - 6.35
Operations                        Questions 7.1 - 7.14
Safety                                Questions 8.1 - 8.11
Distributed Generation   Questions 9.1 - 9.12
Practices of Note            Questions 10.1

Question 10.1: Please describe any practices of note being utilized to plan, design, construct, operate, or maintain your network system.

3 - 2015 Survey Results

3.1 - Summary - Overview

Survey Title: EPRI Urban Network Practices Survey, 2015

Summary Overview         Questions 1 - 13
General/Physical             Questions 14 - 32
Planning                            Questions 33 - 50
Design                               Questions 51 - 79
Maintenance                    Questions 80 - 105
Operations                        Questions 106 - 125
Safety                                Questions 126 - 134
Practices of Note            Questions 135

Question 005: Total Number of Electrical Meters Served (Company Total)

Question 006: Total Number of Electrical Meters Served by Urban Networks Systems?

Question 007: What is the total installed capacity of your network (MVA)?

Question 008: Total Approximate Peak Network Load (MW)?

Question 009: Within your organization, do you have a distinct Network Engineering and Network Planning groups?

Question 010: Which of the following functions does your Network Engineering/Planning group(s) perform? (check all that apply)

Question 011: Within your company, how many Full Time Equivalent resources (FTEs) make up the following functions?

Question 012: Within your company, what percentage of the work for each task is contracted?

Question 013: Within your company, are the following groups centralized or decentralized?

3.2 - Summary - Physical/General

Survey Title: EPRI Urban Network Practices Survey, 2015

Summary Overview         Questions 1 - 13
General/Physical             Questions 14 - 32
Planning                            Questions 33 - 50
Design                               Questions 51 - 79
Maintenance                     Questions 80 - 105
Operations                         Questions 106 - 125
Safety                                 Questions 126 - 134
Practices of Note             Questions 135

Question 014: Total number of Network Feeders?

Question 015: How many substations serve your networks?

Question 016: How many distinct conventional distribution secondary network systems (street grids) does your company operate?

Question 017: What is average number of feeders supplying a conventional network (street grid)?

Question 018: What are your network primary operating voltage(s)? (Check all that apply)

Question 019: Do you have networks with primary operating voltages above 15 kV in any of the following configurations?

Question 020: What are your Network Secondary Voltage(s)? (Check all that apply)

Question 021: Total Number of Network Distribution Transformers?

Question 022: What is the average loading during peak for a network transformer? (% of transformer rating)

Question 023: What is the maximum loading you will allow by design for a network transformer under emergency loading?

Question 024: What is the number of secondary spot networks served at your company?

(“Spot network” in this question defined as a service to a facility from a group of network transformers feeding a common bus with little or no connections to a distribution street network.)

Question 025: What is the typical number of feeders required to supply your spot networks?

Question 026: Please indicate the percentage of each cable type that comprise your network primary cable system

Question 027: If you entered Other for the previous question, please specify other conductors and percentages.

Question 028: For primary cable, which of the following do you utilize (current standards)? (check all that apply)

Question 029: Percentage of each Cable Type that Comprise Your Network Secondary Cable System

Question 030: If you entered Other for the previous question(Question029), please specify other conductors and percentages.

Question 031: XLPE insulated conductors (In-network): Installed cables differing from normal operating temp. ratings? (normal operating temp. rating, different rating installed)

If you utilize XLPE insulated conductors in your network, and have installed cables with different normal operating temperature ratings, please list the different normal operating temperature ratings (in Celsius) associated with the different installed cables separated by commas.

Question 032: Do you use faulted circuit indicators (FCIs)? (Check all that apply)

3.3 - Planning

Survey Title: EPRI Urban Network Practices Survey, 2015

Summary Overview         Questions 1 - 13
General/Physical             Questions 14 - 32
Planning                            Questions 33 - 50
Design                               Questions 51 - 79
Maintenance                    Questions 80 - 105
Operations                        Questions 106 - 125
Safety                                Questions 126 - 134
Practices of Note            Questions 135

Question 033: To what level of circuit loading (in % rated circuit capacity) do you design for normal conditions?

Question 034: To what level of circuit loading (in % rated circuit capacity) do you design for a contingency situation?

Question 035: To what level of contingency do you plan your network?

Question 036: To what level of contingency do you plan your spot network (at peak load)?

Question 037: In your typical network design, do all primary feeders sourcing a given network originate from the same substation, or do you source networks from multiple stations?

Question 038: Are network primary feeders planned and designed as dedicated feeders?

Question 039: Do switch points exist on your network primary feeders for the purpose of sectionalizing a network feeder?

Question 040: Outside the substation, do your network primary feeders have tie points with other network feeders?

Question 041: If primary sectionalizing or tie points are installed on your network system, are the switches manually or automatically controlled? (check all that apply)

Question 042: Does your design limit the number of primary feeders entering a vault or a manhole?

Question 043: In your design, do you allow primary and secondary routed through the same duct bank?

Question 044: If you answered yes to the previous question, how do the primary and secondary cables enter the manhole?

Question 045: Which of the following best describes your approach to loading your network?

Question 046: Have you developed any reliability metrics for assessing the performance of the network system?

Question 047:Do you use software to perform network circuit analysis? (Load flow studies, voltage drop analysis, etc)

Question 048: If Yes, are you using the software for…

Question 049: How do you collect network load data for modeling purposes? (check all that apply)

Question 050: In your network system analysis, do you model operation of Network Protectors due to reverse flows in your system?

3.4 - Design

Survey Title: EPRI Urban Network Practices Survey, 2015

Summary Overview         Questions 1 - 13
General/Physical             Questions 14 - 32
Planning                            Questions 33 - 50
Design                               Questions 51 - 79
Maintenance                    Questions 80 - 105
Operations                        Questions 106 - 125
Safety                                Questions 126 - 134
Practices of Note            Questions 135

Question 051: Do you require a firewall between two pieces of equipment in one vault? (example, between two network transformers) (check all that apply)

Question 052: In designing your network vault, what ground resistance do you require from the ground system inside the vault?

Question 053: What neutral sizing standard is used in your designs?

Question 054: What is the X/R impedance design requirement used for substations used to feed network systems?

Question 055: If you have primary termination and switch on your network transformers, does your specification call for?

Question 056: Are you using a separately mounted primary switch (not part of the transformer unit)?

Question 057: Have you incorporated skid free vault and manhole covers into your civil designs?

Question 058: If so, are you retrofitting older existing covers with skid free ones?

Question 059: Have you incorporated vented vault and manhole covers into your civil designs?

Question 060: If you answered yes to the previous question, what criteria is used to select locations for vented cover installations?

Question 061: Are you retrofitting older existing covers with vented covers?

Question 062: Are you using manhole cover restraints in parts of your system?

Question 063: Are you retrofitting older existing covers with cover restraint systems?

Question 064: Are you performing targeted cover restraint retrofits based on (check all that apply):

Question 065: Do you use cable limiters in your network secondary system(s)?

Question 066: If you use cable limiters please indicate where you install them (check all that apply)

Question 067: If you use cable limiters, do you perform a protection coordination study between the Network Protector fuse, cable limiters, and the station’s feeder relay?

Question 068: If you use cable limiters, do you rely on the conductor to burn clear as part of your secondary network protection scheme?

Question 069: If you use limiters, do you perform studies of anticipated bolted fault currents in the secondary to assure that faulted sections burn clear or are isolated by appropriately sized cable limiters?

Question 070: By your estimation, what percentage of the time are cable limiters effective?

Question 071: Do you use cable limiters with a viewing port which provides a visual indication of a blown limiter (such as the Tyco Smart Limiter) on your network?

Question 072: What type of secondary connection technology is used on your networks?

Question 073: Are you using arc proof tape and/or fireproof chemicals in your network designs?

Question 074: Do you use high flash point fluids in the fluid filled tanks of network equipment?

Question 075: Do you seal ducts in your manhole system (in addition to sealing customer service ducts)?

Question 076: If you seal ducts, is the reason to minimize the migration of combustible gases through the manhole / duct system?

Question 077: Do you have any additional network “system hardening” initiatives underway?

Question 078: Do you have a sump pump and discharge system inside your street vaults?

Question 079: If you do discharge from your street vaults, do you use any filtering systems or systems which detect the presence of oil and consequently prevent discharge to the street?

3.5 - Maintenance

Survey Title: EPRI Urban Network Practices Survey, 2015

Summary Overview         Questions 1 - 13
General/Physical             Questions 14 - 32
Planning                            Questions 33 - 50
Design                               Questions 51 - 79
Maintenance                    Questions 80 - 105
Operations                        Questions 106 - 125
Safety                                Questions 126 - 134
Practices of Note            Questions 135

Question 080: In determining your maintenance frequency, do you perform a risk or condition assessment of your individual equipment, (manholes, vaults, etc.), and vary your maintenance approach based on that assessment?

Question 081: In what applications will you perform network primary cable diagnostic testing?

Question 082: If you are performing periodic primary network cable withstand testing, what is the frequency of the testing?

Question 083: If you are performing periodic primary network cable withstand testing, what is the duration of the testing? (in minutes)

Question 084: Please indicate / describe what testing techniques you use.

Question 085: Please indicate if your company performs the following activities on a routine basis and at what frequency.

Question 086: If you perform secondary/grid cable testing, can you please describe testing?

Question 087: Are performing periodic secondary network cable withstand testing?

Question 090: If you perform Equipment Fluid Sampling and Testing, please indicate which of these tests are performed?

Question 091: Do you perform cable limiter continuity checks (amp checks) as part of your preventive maintenance program?

Question 092: Please indicate the approximate percentage of each network protector type used in your company for your network secondary cable system

Question 093: When you perform Network Protector Maintenance, please indicate which of the following you do.

Question 094: Are you using Infrared (iR) technology as part of your manhole and vault assessment process?

Question 095: If you use iR technology, what technologies do you use?

Question 096: If you perform iR testing, which activities do you perform iR testing?

Question 097: If yes, which equipment are you using iR on?

Question 098: Does your Network Protector maintenance include conducting periodic “drop tests”, whereby a primary feeder is opened, and measurements are taken for backfeed voltage to assure that the network protectors function correctly(automatically open)

Question 099: Are you using cameras as part of your manhole inspections?

Question 100: Do you use a non-iR diagnostic camera to assess the condition of ducts and conduits?

Question 101: Do you track cable and equipment failures?

Question 102: If you track equipment failures, which of the following do you track?

Question 103: Please provide failures rates/year (if tracked) for the list below:

Question 104: Please describe the failure investigation process and what drives corrective actions.

Question 105: Are you implementing targeted replacement programs for any of the following equipment?

3.6 - Operations

Survey Title: EPRI Urban Network Practices Survey, 2015

Summary Overview         Questions 1 - 13
General/Physical             Questions 14 - 32
Planning                            Questions 33 - 50
Design                               Questions 51 - 79
Maintenance                    Questions 80 - 105
Operations                        Questions 106 - 125
Safety                                Questions 126 - 134
Practices of Note            Questions 135

Question 106: For your field craft positions, which of the following best describes your approach?

Question 107: Do you have a dedicated operator within your dispatch center/control room for operating the network?

Question 108: Do you remotely sense / monitor information about network devices beyond the primary feeder substation breaker?

Question 109: If you remotely monitor information about network devices, please indicate what information you are monitoring.

Question 110: If you are remotely monitoring information about network equipment beyond the primary feeder breaker, is this information tied in with your SCADA System?

Question 111: Do you have the ability to remotely control switches, network protectors or other devices on your network system primary beyond the substation breaker?

Question 112: If so, what devices are remotely controlled?

Question 113: For 480 V network protectors, do you de-energize the network transformer before removing the network protector fuses?

Question 114: For 208 V network protectors, do you de-energize the network transformer before removing the network protector fuses.

Question 115: Do you require the network primary to be de-energized prior to commencing work inside of a manhole or vault?

Question 116: Do you have documented, up to date procedures for responding to network emergencies?

Question 117: Do you perform periodic drills that include network situations, such as a network outage or network manhole fire?

Question 118: Do you perform a network emergency drill at least once a year where your company will simulate a network emergency with key individuals in a room and everyone discusses how they would respond?

Question 119: Do you have a documented procedure for company personnel responding to a smoking manhole (“a smoker”)?

Question 120: Do you have a documented procedure for company personnel responding to a fire in a manhole?

Question 121: Do you have a documented procedure for first responders responding to smoking manholes or fires in manholes?

Question 122: In response to a manhole/vault fire, do you require the cables in the manhole/vault to be deenergized before first responders attempt to extinguish the fire?

Question 123: In response to a manhole/vault fire, do you allow the fire company to pour water into the hole upon arrival?

Question 124: In response to a manhole/vault fire, which of the following methods of fire extinguishment do you utilize?

Question 125: If there is a network emergency, is there a Network Shutdown protocol?

3.7 - Safety

Survey Title: EPRI Urban Network Practices Survey, 2015

Summary Overview         Questions 1 - 13
General/Physical             Questions 14 - 32
Planning                            Questions 33 - 50
Design                               Questions 51 - 79
Maintenance                    Questions 80 - 105
Operations                        Questions 106 - 125
Safety                                Questions 126 - 134
Practices of Note            Questions 135

Question 126: Do you require your network crews to wear flame retardant (FR rated) clothing?

Question 127: If so, what clothing system level is required to work in the network (routine work)?

Question 128: Please indicate which of these manhole / vault entry procedures you utilize:

Question 129: Please indicate which of the following design, operational or work procedure changes you have implemented to address network arc flash issues:

Question 130: Do you require your network engineers to obtain their Professional Engineering (PE) license before they can move to more senior engineering positions?

Question 131: Do you have a formalized training program for cable splicers, Network Mechanics and other individuals working on the network system?

Question 132: Is advancement from apprentice to the journey worker level in a given period of time required as part of the job function (i.e. – automatic progression job)?

Question 133: If you have an automatic progression, what is the amount of time required to achieve the journey worker level?

Question 134: Can you briefly describe your training program for network workers?

3.8 - Practices of Note

Survey Title: EPRI Urban Network Practices Survey, 2015

Summary Overview         Questions 1 - 13
General/Physical             Questions 14 - 32
Planning                            Questions 33 - 50
Design                               Questions 51 - 79
Maintenance                    Questions 80 - 105
Operations                        Questions 106 - 125
Safety                                Questions 126 - 134
Practices of Note            Questions 135

Question 135: Please describe any practices of note being utilized to plan, design, construct, operate, or maintain your network system

4 - 2018 Survey Results

4.1 - Asset Management

Question 005: Please provide the following information for your distribution network infrastructure

Question 006: Please indicate the percentage of each cable type that comprise your network primary (MV) cable system

Question 007: Please indicate the percentage of each cable type that comprise your network secondary (LV) cable system

Question 008: Please indicate if your company performs the following activities on a routine basis and at what frequency

Question 009: Do you have any maintenance programs where the maintenance frequency or approach is dependent, at least in part, on a risk or condition assessment of the assets to be maintained?

Question 010: If you perform periodic network primary cable diagnostic testing, please indicate / describe what testing techniques you use

Question 011: Are you using information from cable diagnostic testing to influence investment decisions, such as when to replace cable?

Question 012: Do you perform cable limiter continuity checks (amp checks) as part of your preventive maintenance program?

Question 013: If you perform Network equipment Fluid Sampling and Testing, please indicate which of these tests are performed? (check all that apply)

Question 014: If you perform equipment fluid sampling and testing of network transformers, please describe how you are analyzing the data and using it to drive investments or replacement of these units

Question 015: Are you using Infrared (iR) technology as part of your manhole and vault assessment process?

Question 016: If yes, with which activities do you perform iR testing? (check all that apply)

Question 017: If yes, which equipment are you using iR on? (check all that apply)

Question 018: If you are performing IR inspections, which of these best describe your approach? (Check all that apply)

Question 019: Are you using cameras (non- iR) as part of your manhole inspections?

Question 020: Do you track cable and equipment failures?

Question 021: If you track equipment failures, which of the following do you track? (check all that apply)

Question 022: Please provide the average number of failures per year you experience for the asset types listed below (if tracked):

Question 023: Provide the number of years upon which the average # of failures / year is based. (ex: 3 yrs, 5 yr-rolling ave, etc)

Question 025: Please describe your failure investigation process. Include a description, if applicable, of what drives corrective actions.

Question 026: Are you implementing targeted replacement programs for any of the following equipment? (check all that apply)

Question 027: If Yes, are any of your replacement programs Aged based, such as replacing all transformers >50 years old?

Question 028: If Yes (to question 26), are any of your replacement programs Design based, such as replacing all high rise fluid filled transformers with dry type units, or replacing a certain type of cable?

Question 029: If you are implementing targeted replacement programs not yet describe above, please describe how you are selecting assets to be replaced

Question 030: Do you remotely sense / monitor information about network devices beyond the primary feeder substation breaker?

Question 031: If you remotely monitor information about network devices, please indicate what information you are monitoring.

Question 032: If you remotely monitor information, are you using that information to make investment decisions, such as replacing equipment?

Question 033: If yes, please describe any software you are using to compile data and perform analysis.

Question 034: Please describe any practices of note being utilized to manage network assets

4.2 - Manhole Event Preparedness and Response

Question 005: Approximately how many total underground manholes / vaults do you have on your system?

Question 006: Do you require a firewall between two pieces of equipment in one vault? (example, between two network transformers)

Question 007: Are you using a separately mounted primary switch (not part of the transformer unit)?

Question 008: When do you operate a network transformer’s primary switch?

Question 009: Please indicate where you use vented vault and manhole covers to prevent accumulation of gases. (Not including vented gratings for transformer cooling)

Question 010: If you apply vented covers selectively, what criteria do you use to select locations? (check all that apply):

Question 011: Are you using manhole cover restraints in parts of your system?

Question 012: If yes, what criteria do you use to select locations at which to apply a cover restraint? (check all that apply):

Question 013: Are you using arc proof tape in your network designs? (please check all that apply)

Question 014: Do you use high flash point (less flammable) fluids in the fluid filled tanks of network equipment?

Question 015: Do you seal ducts in your manhole system (other than, or in addition to sealing customer service ducts)?

Question 016: If you seal ducts, is the reason to minimize the migration of combustible gases through the manhole / duct system?

Question 017: Do you use cable limiters in your network secondary system(s)?

Question 018: Are you implementing targeted replacement programs for any of the following equipment? (check all that apply)

Question 019: Are any of your targeted replacements driven by equipment that is beyond a particular age?

Question 020: Other than the performance of inspection and maintenance, are you using any other noteworthy approaches aimed at preventing manhole events?

Question 021: Do you remotely sense / monitor information about network devices / vaults beyond the primary feeder substation breaker?

Question 022: If you remotely monitor information about network devices / vaults, please indicate which of the following you are monitoring. (Check all that apply)

Question 023: Do you have a documented procedure for company personnel responding to a smoking manhole (“a smoker”)?

Question 024: Do you have a documented procedure for company personnel responding to a fire in a manhole?

Question 025: Do you have documented, up to date procedures for company personnel responding to other network emergencies?

Question 026: If there is a network emergency, is there a Network Shutdown protocol?

Question 027: Do you have a documented procedure for first responders responding to smoking manholes or fires in manholes?

Question 028: Do you perform periodic drills that include network situations, such as a network outage or network manhole fire?

Question 029: If you perform emergency drills that involve the network, do you sometimes involve other stakeholders, such as first responders (such as the fire department)?

Question 030: In response to a manhole/vault fire, do you require the cables in the manhole/vault to be deenergized before first responders attempt to extinguish the fire?

Question 031: In response to a manhole/vault fire, do you allow the fire company to pour water into the hole upon arrival?

Question 032: In response to a manhole/vault fire, which of the following methods of fire extinguishment do you utilize? (check all that apply)

Question 033: What other noteworthy approaches or technologies are you using to speed the recovery from a manhole event?

4.3 - Urban Network Safety Practices Survey

Survey Title: EPRI Urban Network Safety Practices Survey, 2018.

Question 005: Approximately how many total network units do you have on your system (area and spot networks)?

Question 006: Total approximate Peak network load (MW)?

Question 007: Do you have a “safety person”, (either a fulltime safety professional or other employee assigned to a safety role) focused on the network?

Question 008: If you have a safety person focusing on the network, is the person a full time safety professional, or another employee assigned to a safety role?

Question 009: Do you perform routine training on how to conduct a tailboard meeting?

Question 010: How to you determine / assess the quality of your tailboard meetings?

Question 011: Do you have documented, up to date procedures for a safety emergency at the jobsite, such as for extracting an injured man from a manhole?

Question 012: Do you periodically conduct a network exercise (drill) for responding to a safety emergency in a manhole, vault, or multi-level vault?

Question 013: What clothing system level is required to work in the network (routine work)?

Question 014: For 480V network protectors, does your company require crews to wear flash suits (i.e. higher than cat four PPE) or other incremental protection when they open or work in an energized NP?

Question 015: Does your utility test the heat rating or arc flash rating of your tools and clothing?

Question 016: Does your utility buy clothing or tools that are arc flash certified / heat certified?

Question 017: What other types of work in the network, if any, require incremental PPE or other tools? Please describe.

Question 018: For 208 V network protectors, do you de-energize the network transformer before removing the network protector fuses?

Question 019: For 480 V network protectors, do you de-energize the network transformer before removing the network protector fuses?

Question 020: Please indicate which of the following work procedures you have implemented to address network arc flash issues. Please check all that apply.

Question 022: Please indicate which of these manhole / vault entry procedures you utilize:

Question 023: We utilize sectionalizing devices on network feeders, enabling us to isolate a portion of the feeder

Question 024: If you use solid dielectric type switches, will you thump or proof-test into the switch with the terminations attached?

Question 025: Please indicate which of these activities are part of your procedure for determining a feeder to be de-energized and cutting a medium voltage network cable.

Question 026: Please indicate which of the following activities are part of your network feeder clearance procedures.

Question 027: When the feeder has been cleared, in what position have you left the network transformer primary switch?

Question 028: Are there any differences in your network feeder clearance procedures for a routine clearance (such as for adding a new transformer) and an emergency clearance (such as for a cable failure)?

Question 029: Please describe any noteworthy practices associated with worker safety in network systems that have been beneficial to you, and provide any other comments.

5 - 2019 Survey Results

5.1 - UG Inspection Practices Survey

Survey Title: UG Inspection Practices Survey, 2019

Question 005: Please provide the number of total submersible enclosures (vaults and manholes) that can be entered by a person. Include both network and conventional (nonnetwork) UG enclosures

Question 006: If you use remotely controlled switches in your Urban UG system, what percent of your total switch fleet in Urban UG is remotely controlled?

Question 007: Please indicate if your company performs the following Inspection activities on a routine basis and at what frequency

Question 008: When performing Urban UG inspections, please indicate which of the following tools you utilize. Check all that apply

Question 009: Does your inspection form provide guidance for prioritizing findings?

Question 010: If so, does the prioritization of the findings drive the time table for performing corrective maintenance?

*Note: Many companies do not have prioritization indicated on the form, however they have defined specific time frames for responding to findings based on priorities.

Question 011: Are you using Infrared (iR) technology as part of your manhole and vault inspection / assessment process?

Question 012: With which activities do you perform iR testing? (check all that apply)

Question 013: Have you established thresholds for action based on iR readings?

Question 014: Are you using cameras (non iR) as part of your manhole / vault inspections (check all that apply)?

Question 015: Do you use faulted circuit indicators (FCI’s) in your Urban UG infrastructure? (Check all that apply)

Question 016: In what applications will you perform network primary cable diagnostic testing? (Check all that apply)

Question 017: In what applications will you perform Non-network primary cable diagnostic testing in urban UG systems? (Check all that apply)

Question 018: If you are performing periodic primary cable withstand testing, what is the frequency of the testing?

Question 019: If you are performing periodic primary cable withstand testing, what is the duration of the testing? (in minutes)

Question 020: Please indicate / describe what testing techniques you use. Check all that apply

Question 021: If you are performing Partial Discharge testing, please indicate which approach(es) you utilize

Question 022: For your network system, do you perform a “Drop test”, where a network feeder is opened at the station and network protectors are tested to assure that they are functioning correctly (automatically open on backfeed)?

Question 023: If you have a secondary network, do you perform any routine diagnostic testing on your secondary cable?

Question 024: In determining your maintenance frequency, do you perform a risk or condition assessment of your individual equipment, (manholes, vaults, etc.), and vary your maintenance approach based on that assessment? (For example, a higher risk vault inspected more frequently than a lower risk vault)

Question 025: Please indicate if your company performs the following Maintenance activities on a routine basis and at what frequency

Question 026: If you perform distribution transformer oil sampling and testing (network and non-network), have you established trigger points for action based on oil sampling results?

Question 027: Do you utilize dissolved gas monitors on UG distribution network transformers?

Question 028: If you utilize dissolved gas monitors on underground distribution, please indicate which devices you utilize and which gasses you are monitoring

Question 029: For primary sectionalizing or tie points installed on your Urban UG system, excluding auto transfer schemes at customer sites, are the switches manually or automatically controlled? (check all that apply)

Question 030: Do you remotely sense / monitor information about devices beyond the primary feeder substation breaker?

Question 031: If you are remotely monitoring information about equipment beyond the primary feeder breaker, is this information tied in with your SCADA System?

Question 032: On your network system, do you have the ability to remotely control switches, network protectors or other devices on your system beyond the substation breaker?

Question 033: If so, what devices are remotely controlled? (check all that apply)

Question 034: On your non- network urban underground system, do you have the ability to remotely control switches, or other devices beyond the substation breaker?

Question 035: If so, what devices are remotely controlled? (check all that apply)

Question 036: Have you been able to leverage remote monitored information to modify your equipment inspection approach?

Question 037: Have you been able to leverage remote monitored information such that it has enabled you to modify your preventive maintenance approach?

Question 038: Please describe any practices of note with respect to Urban UG System Inspection and Maintenance

6 - 2020 Survey Results

6.1 - PTO Monitoring Survey

Question 005: Has your utility deployed or do you have plans to deploy PTO (pressure, temperature, and oil level sensors) on your network transformers?

Question 006: If Yes, Please indicate which type of sensing you have deployed on network transformers:

Question 007: If you have deployed PTO, what are the goals or rationale for adding PTO to the network transformer monitoring?

Question 008: Where you are applying PTO, what locations in the Network unit are your monitoring? (check all that apply)

Question 009: During network transformer maintenance, do you test PTO sensor functionality, or perform any sort of monitor calibration?

Question 010: If you have deployed PTO sensors to your network transformers, do you have the ability to remotely monitor the information?

Question 011: How is the PTO communications wiring routed?

Question 012: What communications equipment are used for returning telemetry?

Question 013: If you are leveraging PTO monitoring to manage your network transformer fleet, please briefly describe your approach

Question 014: What PTO telemetry combinations are being used for alarms? (i.e. temp up & press down = leak; temp up & press up = normal load increase; temp normal & press up = potential problem)

Question 015: What SCADA analog alarm levels do you set for PTO (i.e. pressure in psi or kPA and the set point)

Question 016: In addition to active monitoring of PTO levels, are you recording and storing monitored levels?

Question 017: What software does your utility use to analyze PTO data?

Question 018: How well have DGA results compared to any PTO data at the same time the oil sample was taken? (for example, have you seen correlations between higher pressures and the presence of dissolved gases in the oil?)

Question 019: Have you had any near miss or other event avoided due to PTO alarms?

6.2 - Underground Residential and Underground Commercial Distribution (URD /UCD) Practices Survey

Question 005: How many circuit miles of underground primary URD and UCD cable do you have on your system? (miles)

Question 006: How many total miles of cable do you install in a typical year? (Include new and replacement cable installations)

Question 007: How many total miles of URD / UCD cable do you replace in a typical year?

Summary: Miles of Installs and Replacements of URD/UCD

Question 008: Please indicate the percentage of your installed URD/UCD cable plant by insulation type

Question 009: What percentage of your installed primary URD / UCD cable plant is comprised of unjacketed cable?

Question 010: How many URD / UCD primary cable faults do you experience in a typical year?

Question 011: Please indicate if your company performs the following Inspection activities on a routine basis and at what frequency

Question 012: For the following routine inspection activities, please select the option that best describes your approach

Question 013: If you utilize infrared thermography (IR) in your URD/UCD inspections, have you established thresholds for action based on iR readings?

Question 014: Do you use faulted circuit indicators (FCI’s) in your URD / UCD Infrastructure? (Check all that apply)

Question 015: In what applications will you perform primary URD or UCD cable diagnostic testing? (Check all that apply)

Question 016: If you are performing cyclical primary cable diagnostic or withstand testing on URD/UCD cables; that is, proactive testing of cables on a fixed schedule to ascertain their condition, what is the frequency of the testing? (If you do not perform cyclical diagnostic testing, leave blank)

Question 017: Please indicate / describe what cable diagnostic testing techniques you use on your URD/UCD cables. Check all that apply

Question 018: If you are performing Partial Discharge testing on installed URD/UCD cable systems, please indicate which approach(es) you utilize

Question 019: If you perform partial discharge testing of installed URD/UCD cable systems, do you track failures associated with tested cables for warranty purposes?

Question 020: Do you perform cable injection on URD or UCD cable systems?

Question 021: If you utilize cable injection, do you track failures associated with injected cables for warranty purposes?

Question 022: Which of the following best describes your current prevailing installation approach for new MV URD cables?

Question 023: Which of the following best describes your current prevailing installation approach for new MV UCD cables?

Question 024: Do you perform proactive cable replacement of URD / UCD cables?

Question 025: In analyzing your cable system, are you performing any predictive analysis? If yes, please describe in detail

Question 026: Which of the following best describes your current prevailing practice for replacing or repairing direct-buried URD / UCD cables?

Question 027: In rocky soil areas, do your cable installation / replacement practices deviate from normal practice?

Question 028: If you direct bury cables, either for new installations or for cable replacement, can you share cable standard changes that have taken place over time?

Question 029: Do you perform any routine maintenance (other than inspection) of single phase pad mounted transformers which are part of your URD / UCD system?

Question 030: Do you perform any routine maintenance (other than inspection) of pad mounted switchgear which are part of your URD / UCD system?

Question 031: Do you perform any routine maintenance (other than inspection) of three phase pad mounted transformers which are part of your URD / UCD system?

Question 032: Do you see a need for analytical approaches to better understand underground cable and cable accessory performance? (Example: failure rates by manufacturer, age, insulation type, etc.)

Question 033: Please describe any practices of note with respect to URD / UCD systems

7 - 2021 Survey Results

7.1 - Infrared Thermography Survey

Question 001: Are your UG field crews equipped with IR cameras?

Question 002: How many UG crews do you have in the field?

Question 003: How long have your field crews been using IR cameras in the field?

Question 004: What are your top two reasons for conducting IR inspections?

Question 005: Are your UG field crews equipped with IR cameras?

Question 006: Do you have a work procedure for taking IR images

Question 007: When do you conduct IR inspections?

Question 008: What components do you instruct line crews to inspect with IR?

Question 009: How do you approach the interpretation of your IR imagery?

Question 010: Which are your top 3 concerns over IR imaging in the field?

Question 011: What do your crews do about camera emissivity settings?

Question 012: Do you maintain IR records?

Question 013: What IR records do you maintain?

Question 014: Would you be willing to share some of your IR records with EPRI?

8 - 2022 Survey Results

8.1 - 2022 Underground Distribution Equipment Commissioning Practices Survey

Question 001: For Underground Switches that would be used as part of a dual feeder throw over scheme, which of these tests are performed when the units are received from the manufacturer? Please check all boxes that apply.

Question 002: For Underground Switches that would be used as part of a dual feeder throw over scheme, which of these tests are performed prior to energizing the unit? (may be done in the warehouse or in the field prior to energization) Please check all boxes that apply.

Question 003: For Underground Switches that would be used as part of a dual feeder throw over scheme, please describe any commissioning tests that are performed after energization.

Question 004: For distribution three phase padmounted transformers, which of these tests are performed when receiving the unit from the manufacturer? Please check all boxes that apply.

Question 005: For distribution three phase padmounted transformers, which of these tests are performed before energizing the unit? Please check all boxes that apply.

Question 006: For distribution three phase padmounted transformers, please describe any commissioning tests that are performed after energization.

Question 007: For distribution three phase radial (non-network) transformers, such as those that may be used in building vaults or below grade vaults, which of these tests are performed when receiving the unit from the manufacturer? Please check all boxes that apply.

Question 008: For distribution three phase radial (non-network) transformers, such as those that may be used in building vaults or below grade vaults, which of these tests are performed before energizing the unit? Please check all boxes that apply.

Question 009: For distribution three phase radial (non-network) transformers, such as those that may be used in building vaults or below grade vaults, please describe any commissioning tests that are performed after energization.

Question 010: For distribution three phase network transformers, which of these tests are performed when receiving the unit from the manufacturer? Please check all boxes that apply.

Question 011: For distribution three phase network transformers, which of these tests are performed before energizing the unit? Please check all boxes that apply.

Question 012: For distribution three phase network transformers, please describe any commissioning tests that are performed after energization.

Question 013: For low voltage underground cable systems, including network systems, which of these tests are performed before energizing the cable system? Please check all boxes that apply.

Question 014: Please describe any practices of note with commissioning UG equipment